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A Global Online Workshop

Because you are light, and the world, in deep darkness, needs you.


8pm WAT - 4pm GMT - 10am CST (3h.30mins long)

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About The Workshop

BE is a live online experiential workshop designed to help you THRIVE NOW! It is designed to help you break free from the lies and beliefs that have become strongholds in your life. 


At the end of the program, you will discover, own, value and exist as your original self, empowered to be more, do more and have more. 


You will have the confidence and support to step out and shine as light in the world. 


You will step out boldly in pursuit of your God given assignment.


This workshop is an invite to join thousands around the world who are hungry to break free from everything holding them back and finding expression for everything God has placed on their inside. 


God is calling you to more and He wants to equip you for more. 

Female Entrepreneur

Are you tired of always feeling overwhelmed, stressed, worried, anxious, and fearful? Are you tired of always trying and failing, lacking the courage and confidence to step into your light and answer the call to shine? 

Are you ready to step into your purpose with clarity and boldness? 

Then it is time to BE.


It is time to rise and shine. 

It is time to dump every false identity, and every lie you have embraced, and step into the original YOU.

God created you to be more, do more, and have more. 

The price that was paid for you to return to the original plan and purpose of God, your original state of existence, was too great for you to abandon it.

Thrive NOW!

You can break out of limiting cycles and live FREE and BOUNDLESS NOW!

I am speaking to the original you, created with so much potential and with so much to give the world—purpose and gifts begging for attention, dreams and visions bigger than you can hold:

I understand you.


I am you. 

You need to shine!

You know this; you have been praying for God to give expression to all that He has placed inside you. All these gifts and callings of God are bubbling up on your inside, demanding to be birthed. 

But you find it hard to say yes, to fully commit long enough to bring that vision to the place of birth and not abort it.

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It is possible that you have put it off for any of the following fears: 

  • I am not qualified

  • I do not want to stand out and be known

  • How will I pay my bills?

  • I do not have the right support and partners

  • I am afraid I will fail

That is right. Your original self is so powerful that it can be frightening to step into such power unprepared.


And that is what is missing - preparation.


From a young age, Jesus functioned in His original self, and we can see how powerful He was. It is wrong to assume that Jesus came, suffered, and died, only so we could make it back to heaven. That would mean our lives here on earth have no purpose, and God made us with no purpose or plan in mind. 

No, Jesus came and modelled for us how we should live in God’s original plan before the fall, and I am challenging you to discover your real and original identity.

Or maybe, like me, you have stepped on the edge of discovery many times and given up because you felt overwhelmed and yet you live in constant fear 

  • Living life below what is possible and available to you in God

  • Going from struggles to struggles till death

  • Living a life without meaning

  • Being easy prey for the enemy

  • Not equipping your children enough to stand firm in this dark and evil world

  • Not being able to realise your dreams and find fulfilment

  • Not being able to successfully birth and fulfil your purpose

  • Not being able to transition from career to calling in a way that is sustainable

  • What people will say.

I get that because when something BIG is on the horizon, it’s normal to feel overwhelmed and want to shut it down, avoid it and embrace the identities that the world has given you. The identities that are normal to the world.

Spoiler alert: you were created to be different. The world may have embraced you, but you know that you do not fit in.

Maybe you are wondering... 

  • What is this original identity?

  • Do I have to have it?

  • I am already successful.

  • Do I have the time to renew my mind?

  • Conforming to the world has opened doors for me, why change what isn’t broken?


Well, my darling, that’s precisely what I’m here to help you discover.


To discover, own, value, and exist as your original self is to enter into rest in every area of your life. It is to be more, do more, and have more. It is to thrive.


It is to go from forced happiness to true joy even in the midst of trials, peace in the midst of chaos, and health in the midst of a pandemic. To live the life of one who is an overcomer and truly victorious. 


This workshop is hands-on and experiential. We will map out our lives and take a walk through our struggles and failures to truth, to discover what God’s thoughts and will for us are and how we can step into that place where it is with us on earth as it is in heaven. 

Man in the mountains

Imagine YOU, set on a hill, shining boldly in your sphere of influence, no longer hidden.
You, living in victory in those areas of your life, where you once struggled. 
You, healed from the infirmities that once plagued you. 
You, living the life that Jesus paid the highest price for, living more abundantly, and helping others to do the same.
Having God entrust you with more of what He has called you to do.

Ready to finally get to live as your original self? 

What’s Inside the BE Workshop?

The workshop is an online live program that takes you on a journey back to the beginning. It is a journey to discovering, owning, valuing, and existing as God originally intended for you to ‘BE’.


The workshop draws its teachings from the bible and provides a step-by-step self-discovery map, so you can go step by step, stripping yourself of every false identity that has held you back, kept you stagnant, and kept you struggling. 


By the end of the workshop, you’ll feel stripped of every weight and burden that was never yours to bear. You will discover and embrace your original self, and you will be equipped with the tools to build out and live with God’s way of being and doing. 


I challenge you to a life of being all you were created to be, doing all you have been created to do, and having more than enough for yourself and every charitable work. 


God is calling you to rise out of that place of struggling into REST by taking on your charge to BE. Be all that you have already been empowered to be.

Is this workshop for me?



Our ideal participants are first and foremost Christians. People who believe in Jesus, are filled with the Holy Spirit and believe the Bible is the word of God, and yet their lives fail to reflect the promises and rest given to us by God as seen in the Bible.

People who want to build a deeper personal relationship with God.

People who want to know God and do exploits.


You can join us if

  • You are always feeling overwhelmed, stressed, depressed, angry, unfulfilled, lacking clarity of purpose, 


  • You desire to be and do more.


  • You know you have a calling, but you do not know how to step into your light and shine.


  • You are looking for a community much like the one the early Christians had where you can be vulnerable, draw strength, and build a better relationship with God.

Meet Your Facilitator

Hi, I’m Abasiama

The Word Powered Life

These are some notes and audios from my newsletter where I share about The Original Life. I trust that God will speak to you as you go through these newsletters. 

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